Licenseplate & indicator connectors
24. September 2018When I removed the stock licenseplate holder I had no licenseplate light anymore. I found a small LED light at Aliexpress and wanted to buy new connectors, so I didn’t have to alter the stock components.
After some research I found out that these connectors are being used for both licenseplate LED and turn indicators:
JST connectors type: 02T-JWPF-VSLE-S (male) andย 02R-JWPF-VSLE-S (female)
I’ve bought them also on Aliexpress.
Can you be so kind and share picture or model of small LED light which you bought at Aliexpress. I would like to buy similar one. Link to the light at Aliexpress would be appreciated ๐ thanks in advance.
Hi Michael,
This is the light i’ve mounted

Bought over here: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32819185129.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dXoSEpE
Hope it’s helpfull ๐